How to Use minute by minute in a Sentence
minute by minute
The heart must be listened to, beat by beat, minute by minute.
—Emily Fragos, The New Yorker, 17 Oct. 2022
Says the key is to stay in the moment, minute by minute, and enjoying the now.
—Tom Green |, al, 17 Nov. 2022
But what that crisis looks like minute by minute is rarely seen.
—Blake Nelson, San Diego Union-Tribune, 16 Apr. 2023
And that’s important, to just take it day by day and minute by minute, hour by hour, and live our lives like that.
—Ira Winderman,, 22 May 2021
Villagers can set the rhythm of their own existence, hour by hour, minute by minute.
—Marion Renault, The New Yorker, 23 Nov. 2022
Visualize your launch minute by minute and try to play it out.
—Expert Panel, Forbes, 21 June 2022
The ugliness of our prejudices and stereotypes adds to the painful news that floods out of Ukraine minute by minute.
—Washington Post, 2 Mar. 2022
His team communicates minute by minute with the yellow shirts who are out and about.
—Dana Hunsinger Benbow, The Indianapolis Star, 30 May 2021
The House committee is working to document what led to the Jan. 6 attack and what happened minute by minute that day.
—Bart Jansen, USA TODAY, 10 Mar. 2022
And little by little, minute by minute, ever since that moment, the fundamental truth of this matchup has come to light: The 76ers have a good bit more than the young Hawks.
—Dan Wolken, USA TODAY, 12 June 2021
McCraw went minute by minute explaining how police could have entered the unlocked room where the shooter was.
—Antonio Planas, NBC News, 23 June 2022
The project is being documented minute by minute on YouTube and Instagram.
—Jeff MacGregor, Smithsonian Magazine, 23 May 2022
But the Panthers are simply trying to stay focused on playing the right way, minute by minute, period by period.
—Chris Perkins, Sun Sentinel, 12 May 2022
Taking each day minute by minute, and being gentle with yourself are important.
—Sofia Jeremias, The Salt Lake Tribune, 12 Nov. 2022
The indictment describes almost minute by minute how, after the conversation with Employee 4, the two men went to the I.T. office and left it 19 minutes later that day.
—Matt Ford, The New Republic, 28 July 2023
That works out well for Weir, who is afforded the freedom to experiment with projects like the orchestral presentations, and to follow his muse minute by minute.
—Jonathan Williger, Washington Post, 21 Nov. 2022
The implications of all this are that portions of games can be sold through micro transactions minute by minute using dynamic pricing.
—Leonard Armato, Forbes, 4 May 2023
The implications of all this are that portions of games can be sold through micro transactions minute by minute using dynamic pricing.
—Leonard Armato, Forbes, 4 May 2023
Omicron is still complicating travel as the holidays creep up Since the world learned of Omicron in late November, travel restrictions have changed minute by minute.
—Maureen O'Hare, CNN, 11 Dec. 2021
Anyone buying a ticket for a concert, baseball game, Broadway play or flight has experienced it: Seats are now priced with dizzying complexity, with costs in some instances changing minute by minute, based on demand.
—Brooks Barnes, New York Times, 5 Mar. 2023
Physicians have long operated with medical malpractice insurance, but what the field is dealing with now is criminalization, and that landscape is changing minute by minute.
—Jennifer Henderson | Medpage Today, ABC News, 2 July 2022
Participants also watched videos of their conversations and rated their remembered level of engagement minute by minute.
—Lydia Denworth, Scientific American, 21 Sep. 2021
Surge pricing is common with sports and concert tickets and for ride-hailing apps, with services like Ticketmaster and Uber using sophisticated dynamic pricing algorithms that change minute by minute, based on demand.
—Jordan Valinsky, CNN, 27 Feb. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'minute by minute.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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